Monday, April 12, 2010

Words of Affirmation

So, if your number is highest for A then you are a person who NEEDS words of affirmation.

Verbal compliments are important and might best be expressed in a straight forward simple statement.
Example: “That outfit is perfect for you. You really look Hot!”
“I really like it when you help me with my projects.”
“It is really a treat when you line up the babysitter for a night out thx”

1. Statement of affirmation for how you look or feel
2. Compliment for a task or job (home or office)

Encourage means to inspire courage.
We all have areas we feel insecure. The economy today has put a lot of people out of work, changing jobs, changing job titles, dealing with pay cuts, mortgage issues, health issues, image issues……this can make for marital issues.
Spouses need to encourage each other. You are not the first couple to go thru these difficulties and you will not be the last. You may be waiting for encouraging words from your partner. Words to give you the courage to take the step you needed to take. There is untapped potential in all of us.
Don’t let encouragement by done by condemning something else. If you are encouraging your spouse to take a new job your words may come across as judgmental or give your spouse the feeling of guilt instead of the desire to inspire courage.

Kind words
Loving someone should present itself with kindness and that means using kind words. The simple words “I love you” can change by the tone of a voice. That changes the entire meaning. What should be important is “What’s Right” not “Who’s Right.” We can only find “what’s right” if we are seeking God’s will not man’s. I am so guilty of trying to prove that my logic is the only logical way to look at something………(actually, that would be both me and Stan)

Humble words
Love is a request not a demand. We are partners in the marriage. I did not want to marry a person to be my parent. The author of 5 Love Languages says, “…..When you make demands, you have become not a lover but a tyrant. Your spouse will feel not affirmed but belittled. A request introduces the element of choice. Your mate may choose to respond to your request or deny it, because love is always a choice. That’s what makes it meaningful.”

I like that!

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